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A few recent projects

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Recent projects

A few jobs we’ve worked on lately. As you can see, we’re pretty versatile!

Property : 01

73 Prospect Street, Erskineville

Project: Renovation, full gut and redo with extension. We also installed a custom kitchen.

The job: We enjoy working on terraces, even though houses that are over 100 years old can present added challenges! This was a tricky renovation, as it involved working within the existing 120-year-old structure.

Due to the age and style of this terrace, the front façade was heritage listed. That means there are strict rules in place about what can be done to the property. We also faced a tight block and space issues that can be typical of working on inner-city properties. 

My old skills as a chess player were called into play – I was always thinking ahead to make sure materials and workers were on site in particular time windows, so we could keep the project moving forward.

The most rewarding part of the job for me was constructing the laundry/shed. I spent three days on the shovel, digging a three metre deep hole to encase the sewer line underneath so the structure could be built on top. Great to see it all come together after all that elbow grease!

Result: The project finished on time and with a spectacular modern look, while also paying significant homage to the heritage terrace style. The owners were very happy with the end product.

Property : 02

Norton Street, Leichhardt

Project: Renovation / addition with new master bedroom and balcony. We also redid two bedrooms and fixed the roof.

The job: Working in the inner city requires specific skills as there’s often a small or tricky site to work with and parking issues. This project was a case in point, taking place on one of the busiest streets in Leichhardt.

We had very limited space on site to store materials and the project required a significant amount of forethought and planning so we could have it finished by the client’s deadline. It was also a job needing a bit of extra flexibility, which meant some late afternoons to fit in around other trades.

During the construction of the cladding, I had an idea to use a different material on the front of the building – and in consultation with the owner, I was able to deliver something truly special that made a real statement on the façade, and which the owner loved. 

Result: The owner was so thrilled with my work, we stayed another three weeks completing additional jobs. This included a 25-metre retaining wall, replacing three double-hung windows and fixing a roof leak that had already stumped two other tradesmen. 

Property : 03

21a Fitzroy Street, Newtown

Project: Renovation/ repairs. Fix significant water damage on wall and replace windows. Kitchen and bathroom redo. 

The job: The building was a split terrace with a residence on the ground level, and another residence above. There was a significant amount of termite damage in the windows that needed replacing.

The owner was also trying to manage with a very dated kitchen, which had also significant water damage from a long-term leak. Like many jobs in Sydney’s inner west, we had to work around limited parking, tight access – and many stairs to get to the unit. 

Although conditions were cramped, I enjoyed installing the new kitchen in this job as it brought what was a compact space back to life – and gave the owner a much more functional space.

Result: More happy owners! I was able to deliver the project in the time frame specified, so the new tenants could move in without a hitch.

Property : 01

11 Charles Street, Newtown

Project: Remediation for significant cracking in the walls, and damaged render on the walls in numerous rooms. 

The job: This Newtown terrace is about 100 years old – and suffering from more than the usual wear and tear. It had significant timber decay around the windows, which was allowing water to penetrate the building. In turn, this caused damage to the delicate plaster.

I was called in to deal with the cracking and damaged render – and was able to work around the client’s schedule to remove the old plaster and render. This allowed the walls to dry out which is an key part of the process. I also replaced a number of window sills, and applied a water barrier to prevent recurring damage.

Once the walls had dried out, I was able to engage my rendering contractor (who’s a total legend on jobs like these!) in to repair the walls.

Result: Makeover projects like this can be really rewarding jobs to work on. We were able to quickly restore this terrace to its former glory by doing a bit of detective work and getting to the root of the problem. 

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